Sunday, 24 April 2016

What's use of AMP meter in Royal Enfield????

going by the answers here, everyone has that doubt, any of them have ever known their machines!!! 
buddy, the ampere meter on a Bullet is there for a few reasons... 

While riding if its going towards the + sign, that means the battery is getting charged. 

While starting, if after one kick the pointer goes into negative, that means there is compressed charge in the engine which needs to be we pull the decompressor lever and give a half kick. 

while connecting new a battery, if the pointer goes towards the negative side, then it means the terminals are wrongly connected. 

Amp meter helps to indicate the battery charging. Particularly on bullet bike battery is compulsory to start the engine. It supplies the current to the spark plug like in case of all cars.You should be careful if amp is not showing charge. Other wise vehicle stop in the middle after complete discharge of battery. Hence it is nothing but battery charging warning unit.

The ammeter has helped me twice. Firstly when the rectifier failed (the ammeter needle went far to the right and warned me that I was overcharging the battery), and secondly when the alternator failed (the needle went far to the left and warned me that the battery was not receiving a charge). If the needle is in the center or slightly to the right of center with the engine running everything is fine, so it is useful to have one.